
What is Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is an integrated procedure of using breathing, Asanas, Mudras, Vedic Chants and Mindfulness for enhancing mental & physical health of a patient. Sometimes for certain ailments, human body needs a healing beyond western medicine. Yoga Therapy has a holistic focus towards integration of mind, body, and spirit for helping the patient to cure or manage their ailments

How is Yoga Therapy different from Normal Yoga Class
Unlike what people tend to imagine, yoga therapy does not look like a typical yoga class. Every Individual will have a different need, and the sessions will be customised to the specific requirements. These classes are done one-on-one with our experienced Yoga Teachers

Who Should opt for Yoga Therapy
Anyone who is facing chronic ailments from musculo-skeletal issues, cardiac issues, metabolic issues, cognitive and psychological disorders, Insomnia, Blood Pressure, Hormonal Disorders, Diabetes, Geriatric issues, auto-immune conditions, digestive disorders, depression and anxiety, women’s issues and more

What are the Benefits

  • Stress Reduction
  • Psychological Healing
  • Management & Curing of Chronic Ailments like Migraine, Diabetes, Hormonal Disorders, Hyper tension etc

Share your details and give your case history. Our Therapist will get in touch with you.